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5 rules of thumb about: reducing risks in renting an apartment

Five things to make sure when renting an apartment to a renter
  1. Transfer of bills in the tenant’s name – make sure that the tenant transfers municipal taxes, water, electricity and gas bills in his name and check that he has transferred payment to the house committee for the upcoming rental year. Don’t trust the tenant’s assurance that this was done and check for yourself that it did. If in doubt – make the transfer yourself.
  2. Open checks for the benefit of the authorities – demand from the tenant open checks for the benefit of the authorities, which will be used to pay the authorities if the tenant’s debt remains. The tenant will fill in the beneficiary of the check (the name of the authority) and thus be sure that the check will not be cashed for another purpose.
  3. Guarantors of the contract – make sure to sign guarantors on the lease. Agree to accept only guarantors who are acceptable to you and inspire confidence in you.
  4. Monthly check of rent received by bank transfer – many tenants switch to paying the rent by standing order or bank transfer. Make a monthly habit of checking that the payment has been transferred. Be sure to check this especially in the months before the end of the lease – these are times when there is a tendency for some tenants to “forget” to pay.
  5. Promissory note as collateral – Ask the tenants for a promissory note that serves as collateral for the landlord. The holder of the promissory note (the lessor) can act to realize the promissory note easily – directly with the tenant or through the execution office. Examples of promissory notes can be found online.


To an article in Globes on damage caused by apartment renters

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