Articles & Tools

A series of lectures on financial education for children

How do you talk to your children about money? A series of lectures by Paamonim experts

When to start talking to children about money? How do you deal with “Mom Buy Me”? Is it worthwhile to give children pocket money and how to do it correctly? How do you teach children to save?

Answers to these and other questions, about money and family and children’s education in lectures by Paamonim experts.

Teaching children financial concepts

We talk to the children about a variety of other important topics, but when it comes to money, suddenly we balk. The main place where children acquire life skills is at home. Therefore, they must be equipped with an understanding of what money is, how to get it, what it is used for, and how it is managed. Join Orit to learn how to talk to your children about money.

Money doesn’t grow on trees, the relationship between income and expenses

How do we explain to children the connection between income and expenses and why we can’t buy everything we want? Join Sharon for ways to convey the message that “life is from what is” and not from what is not.

A saving family to make a dream come true

Family dreams are realized through shared savings and along the way children are taught what saving is and how to give up current consumption in order to achieve an important goal. Join Lissia and learn to manage a family project of savings.

Pocket money – how, how much and why

Why should you give pocket money to children at all? Our answer is that giving pocket money is an educational act that helps our children learn to cope successfully with financial challenges. Join Ofer to think about the tools for coping with money on the way to a financially independent life.  


How to survive shopping at the supermarket with the kids

Going to the supermarket is not a pastime and shopping is better to do without children. However, a joint visit to the supermarket of a parent and child at the supermarket is an opportunity for learning. Join Alex and make the writer a great financial education school.



The series of videos on financial education in the family was produced by Paamonim and Meitav Dash Investment House

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