Who is hiding behind the mask?
If you’ve recently walked into one of the stores selling costumes, you’ve probably been attacked by it, and not just by the prices. Dozens of costumes of zombies, monsters and skeletons frighten on the shelves and raise the question: Why are there so many people interested in dressing up specifically for such malicious characters?
Redemption of donor cows to the Paamonim
Because donating to Paamonim is more than charity
You’ve spent more – dirtied more: Here’s how to buy correctly
The average Israeli family produces 6 times more garbage than a family in South Korea, all because we haven’t yet learned how to shop correctly. The solution: make a list before you leave, skip the deals, don’t hoard food at home and cook just as much as you need. Standard of living? It will only get better
Online budget management course
Managing the family’s finances is quite a challenge and many feel that they are having trouble making ends meet or do not have enough money for things they want to buy. Course: The “why” and “how” of managing a wise household economy.
The Guide to Decluttering Paperwork: It’s Not as Bad as It Sounds
Simple rules for arranging family paperwork: what to throw away, what to file and how long should I keep each document?
Enriching parent activity: what to do with pocket money and why you should save
Enriching parent activity on saving for children in kindergarten through first grade
A Special Paamonim Mishloach Manot – A delivery with value
Sweeter than cake, happier than wine
Useful tips to save on electricity bills in winter
Electricity consumption in winter may be higher than the annual average due to the operation of heating devices throughout most hours of the day.