About the course

Designed for: Young Adults | Families
Hebrew, English, Arabic
To order a lecture / training : Iris: 052-2245855 irisy@paamonim.org

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Economic Conduct in Times of Crisis

Each and every one of us faces or will face one crisis or another in our lives. How do we prepare financially for such a situation? The lecture will deal with mental flexibility during a crisis, discuss the external and internal factors that motivate us to increase consumption and the implications of our habits in the present on future economic resilience. We will learn principles and tools of informed economic conduct even during a crisis and how to motivate ourselves to take action to take financial responsibility.

In this lecture we will deal with…

  • On mental flexibility in times of crisis,
  • Raising awareness of emotional factors that motivate buying,
  • Tools and tips for wise economic conduct during a crisis.


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