About the course

Designed for :Young Adults (After the Army)
To book a workshop : Call Iris:

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Economic Conduct Workshop – Young Adults (After the Army…)

In the workshop, participants learn to manage their finances correctly within their existing income framework.
We will learn what expenses can be saved and how, with the help of thought and advance planning, it is possible to generate much more from the same income.

Structure of the workshop

Session 1 – We will talk about why we are here, why it is so important to talk about money, and why we spend money (usually more than we can).

Session 2 – We will learn the bell tool called mirroring – mapping expenses versus income and analyzing the data. We will learn how to build a personal budget and succeed in meeting it. How to change a budget according to life circumstances.

Session 3- Tips for wise consumerism, we will talk about I have a dream! (Home? Great trip around the world?..) How to make economic dreams come true.

Session 4 – Future Planning – How do you manage to save? We will talk about basic mortgage concepts, understanding a salary slip including touching on the subject of pensions.

Where are the lectures given?

We reach everywhere in the country – from Eilat to Kiryat Shmona.

The workshops are conducted through experiential learning, with personal experience of the tools learned in the sessions.

The training topics are adapted to the characteristics and needs of the group.

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