Articles & Tools

Guide: The difference between need and desire

Group activity on needs and desires

This activity helps define what is a need and what is a desire, and serves as a basis for discussing the importance of distinguishing between the two, in the context of economic conduct. It can be held as part of activity on the subject of wise consumerism or as a basis for activity on priorities and budget building.

general information

What is the purpose?

Illustrate the difference between need and desire and understand how the distinction between the two can affect our economic conduct. Understand how the desire reflects the need, and how the need can be met in different ways according to the budget framework and priorities.

What to do?

  • Classify concepts into groups and determine whether they represent a need or desire
  • Define what are the identifying characteristics of a need and what a desire is and how to distinguish between the two
  • Discussing possible alternatives

What is needed?

Desire and Need for Print Tab Kit / Flipchart


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