Articles & Tools

How do you prepare for a meeting with a pension consultant or pension agent?

Who is the pension consultant? What is the role of the insurance agent? What is the difference between them? And who should you turn to when making a decision regarding your pension savings?

The Behar Reform of 2005 created a new concept called “pension consultant”. The distinction between a “pension consultant” and a “pension agent” lies in its degree of objectivity, that is, in its economic or business connection (affinity) to the body managing pension savings. Continue reading

What will we talk about in a meeting with a pension consultant/agent?

subject What to find out?
Products What pension products do I have? Are they suitable for my situation? Is it worth making a change to the products? If so, what changes and why?
saving What amounts can I expect when I retire? Equity/as an annuity? Is enough? What is my current investment path? Does it fit my age and savings horizon?
Insurance What amounts can I expect in case of loss of work capacity? To my beneficiaries in case of my death? Equity/as an annuity? Are the tracks right for me? Is it possible to purchase the insurance separately more cheaply? Is and when is it necessary to update beneficiaries?
Discharge Is it possible to increase contributions and enjoy tax benefits?
yield How much has my jackpot done in the past year? In the last five years? Is it in the top third of the box office of its kind? If not, why?
price How much does it cost me? How am I relative to the average? How can I reduce costs?
Governing body Who? Is it small? Big? Stable? No scandals? Who manages the investments?

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