A game based on the beloved board game Ladders and Ropes, which allows through a game to examine with the children their attitude towards money, shopping, wise consumerism and proper financial conduct.
The game includes tasks and questions drawn from the children’s daily life and provides an opportunity for dialogue with the children on issues related to money.
In addition, the game helps expand financial knowledge through “Did you know” questions that participants must deal with in order to progress on the game board.
Purpose of the game
Here is a board game, for self-preparation.
The objective of the game is to advance on the game board, climb ladders and descend the ropes while dealing with family finance dilemmas and answering trivia questions. The winner is the person who came first to the number 100 on the board.
Game kit
In the downloadable file you will find the game instructions, board and playing cards which you can print on your home printer and start playing right away.
Free download ladders and ropes gameBuy the game
The game can be ordered for 40 NIS including shipping. To purchase, click on the “Contact Us” button