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May we become the head – Happy New Year Greetings

Author: Sigal Friedman-Gamlieli
Best wishes and congratulations (not only financial) for the New Year

Let us know the purposes for which we want to keep our money

Why is it important for us to have money in the account?, that the bucket be full and closed and the money will be collected in it like living water. Why is it important for us to close this hole that is dripping and dripping… Drop by drop. Shekel after shekel?. This is important because this way we can fill and increase our “is”. To realize important goals that will enable us to realize ourselves, and improve our quality of life from a place of security and strength.

That we take away the right to choose and decide

Not the advertisers, not the media, not even the WhatsApp group that offers to buy fruits or flowers or plants at a special price for the holiday…. Dare to put ourselves in the center and ask the question – what do I want for the new year? What do I really want for the New Year? When we look inside, we will discover surprising answers. We will discover that it is precisely the most hidden desires, for peace and quiet, for love, for joy that stand on their own. And their realization comes from a place of calm and resilience. A place that allows you to manage your internal priorities and not the noises and sounds coming from outside.

Let us allow ourselves to act differently

Let us show courage and daring. Stop and ask. We would even dare to look at our holiday dinner. What did we put on the table?. Let’s ask, why?. About the quantity, about the price. What is it about this special and one-time dish that we wanted to put on the holiday table? And how did our grandparents celebrate? How really? Can I find another scale?. The coronavirus, which has damaged the fabric of our lives so much, is forcing us to reexamine and make new decisions.

Dare we say no

Set a limit. We’ll see if our shopping serves other people’s needs. Needs that they have defined for us and we cooperate, out of acquiescence, out of habit, out of “I don’t like it” to say no… Is it possible to say no to the good company that leads to expensive expenses for entertainment? When a boundary is set, it often serves not only us but also our environment.

Let us put ourselves in order

We’ll rearrange our expenses, like arranging a drawer full of things. Or a shelf in the wardrobe. Take everything out and check.What’s there in our expense pile? What is superfluous and what is really necessary and important? And when there’s something that’s important, we’ll really enjoy it to the fullest.

That we will derive many benefits from a single expense

How can you get the most out of one purchase? Make one smart choice that will serve many purposes. If I decide to make pizza at home, I get the most out of every product, the flour, the tomatoes, the cheese. An atmosphere of action is created in the home. The children are partners in the preparation. They have a personal example. We educate them to be diligent and show them what diligence is.

Let us trust ourselves

The consumer society around us encourages dependence. Dependence on the expert, dependence on the media that produce content and entertainment, dependence on the technician, who cooks, who cleans, who repairs. Sometimes this is a relief. A feeling that can be helped. Sometimes we see no other choice. But little by little, sometimes without us noticing, we get used to others doing services for us that we could have done ourselves. When we take control into our own hands, reclaim tasks that we previously handed over to someone else, and then we feel a small victory.

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