Managing the family’s finances is quite a challenge and many feel that they are having trouble making ends meet or do not have enough money for things they want to buy. Course: The “why” and “how” of managing a wise household economy.
Is it even possible to manage a household economy wisely?
The unequivocal answer is: Yes.
Whether your financial situation is problematic or you are enriched and enriched, wise financial conduct allows you to live calmly and fulfill the goals and dreams that are really important to you.
In this course you will learn what your financial ignorance is – this is where your money escapes, you will examine yourself to what extent you really know your financial situation in depth, you will learn how to build and manage a budget and what you should take into account when planning your financial future.
Lesson 1: How to start managing yourself financially
In this section we will examine why we find it difficult to make ends meet, whether being overdrafted is a problem at all, and why we should manage our finances wisely.
Lesson 2: Why do we spend more than we put in
In this section we will try to understand where our money “escapes”. Every family has its own “economic mines,” the places where we spend money easily and don’t pay much attention. If we identify our economic mines, we can be more cautious and reduce the funds that disappear through our fingers.
Lesson 3: Test yourself
In this section, you can check whether you know exactly what your financial situation is. Answer the questions and you’ll get a general picture of how you’re doing. Do you try to know your income and expenses and manage yourself in a way that won’t put you in debt and overdraft at the bank, or are you more of the type who flows and doesn’t spend a lot of time checking each and every number?
Download Test Yourself and try to answer the questions honestly.
Lesson 4: The real situation
In this section we will learn to mirror. Mirroring is a method by which one can get to know and understand in depth the real situation in which the household finds itself and better understand where the money is going. In order to carry out the reflection, the four elements of family finance are examined: income, expenses, debts and assets.
Download the mirroring manual. Download the mirroring forms. Mirror yourself
Lesson 5: Generate balance
In this section we will learn how to create a monthly balance that will allow us to manage our throne better and finish the month properly. So how do you reduce expenses and in which and how can you increase revenue.
Lesson 6: Building a budget
In this section we will learn about the principles for building a budget. Running on a budget allows us to plan our spending and income structure and helps us have better control over our pockets.
Download the budget building handsheet
Budget Management Course – Lesson 7 – Planning the Future
In this section we will understand why we should save regularly, define what goals we should save for and how much and we will see how acquiring saving habits will allow us to build financial resilience for our family.