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Professions of the future

Author: Sigal Lazarovich
Many changes are taking place in the world of employment – do these changes affect the choice of profession to be studied?

Many changes are taking place today in the world of employment. The increase in longevity, the declining birth rate and the rising employment rate. Every decade, about 30% of the roles disappear, and even those that remain are nothing like what we knew. In addition, changes in business environments, technologies and competitions, the information revolution, the introduction of artificial intelligence and the rise in the use of machines and computers improve our quality of life and change the world of work significantly.

Many professions will disappear along with incoming technology, such as the introduction of autonomous vehicles, will gradually disappear into the professions of driver and courier, but the good news is that many professions you are not even familiar with will enter, just as until not many years ago the cyber field broke into our world. According to McKinsey, a strategic consulting firm, 65 percent of today’s high school students will work in jobs that don’t yet exist by 2030, and a report by the World Economic Forum predicts that machines will do more than 50 percent of the work worldwide.

It is estimated that technological information doubles every two years, so that for students who study for 4 years in a technology program, this means for them that half of what they learned in the first two years is no longer relevant in fact. In other words, we train students in professions that do not yet exist, to use technology that has not yet been invented, to deal with problems that we do not know how to define as problems.

The OECD report shows that technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, neurotechnologies, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, micro and nano satellites, nanomaterials, energy storage, synthetic biology and blockchain will be of great importance.
On the other hand, not all of us like and have skills for jobs in these fields, and the good news is that social professions such as care, nursing and education will be in great demand because robots do not yet have the necessary humanity, but at the same time the jobs will not be as they are today and you must prepare accordingly. And if you are not a computer professional, not sociable and not experts, you should be an entrepreneur – reinvent the world.

In light of this, when I am consulted about what is worth studying and what considerations should be taken into account, I first reassure you that about 10-15% of the jobs that will disappear and there is no need to panic since the number of jobs that will enter will exceed those that will disappear. Therefore, I recommended that we examine whether this profession will exist in 10 years and if so, go study the profession you love and want to pursue, when it is important that you remember that the chance of being part of the future job market is if you know how to utilize it correctly and prepare for the expected changes in your field.

Studies show that most students discover that an academic degree is not enough for their integration into the labor market.
Companies such as Google and Microsoft have removed their main requirement for a degree in light of the realization that they may miss out on excellent employees with knowledge and experience. When we try to predict the future, we realize thatvalue is key. And it is important to emphasize, in the world of employment where young people are changing jobs at an increased rate than in the past and in achanging market , what is important is to stay current! So it is important that you know how to work with computers, and if you want to stand out, you should develop the technologies and especially take ideas from different fields, connect them together and offer innovative solutions, that is, be multidisciplinary.

Tips for future employment:

  • Learn, learn, learn – learn new things on a regular basis. Hence a constant examination of your occupation and where it is headed.
  • Self-examination – examine the connection on what I am good at, what I like to do the most, and what I can do. Here’s how to build your property map – and create your own branding. Also work on your barriers and fears to give you more options.
  • Diversity – In the past, when you had skills in more than one field, you were told that it was not good and you should focus, in the current employment world the last word would be “slasher” – work in a variety of fields and on the other hand, if you are good at something special then the focus on your expertise is the direction. In other words, the question is not whether you need to diversify or focus, but what is right for you?
  • Flexibility – some jobs will disappear, some jobs are new and we don’t even know what but what is certain is that the existing jobs will change and as employees you need to be flexible to learn and change accordingly.
  • Integration and mobility – If once most employees worked full-time as employees – more and more people will be employed part-time or on employment contracts (ad hoc without social benefits). Be open and flexible to different combinations – working in a part-time base position as employees plus part-time as self-employed, for example.
    It takes skills to find jobs through specialized networks and learn the art of interviewing for hiring, today more and more people understand that in order to stand out they need advice and help.
  • Outsourcing – Various options for remote work are opening up for external employees as well, but not only, which increases flexible work options, both in terms of working days and hours and geographically. And so already today we will see employees in various companies around the world from places far from the company.
  • Build an extensive network of networking
  • Set goals and build an action plan to achieve them.
  • Continuous improvement of your soft skills – These are the main qualities and skills required of the employee that are required of the employee and include communication skills, emotional intelligence, leadership, adaptation to change, ability to work in a team, creativity, innovation, information gathering and evaluating, positive attitude, critical thinking and problem solving, self-presentation and the ability to cope with stress.


Related article: Sigal Lazarovitz, occupational and managerial counselor and national counselor for employment counseling at Paamonim

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