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Recommendation: “Think Fast Think Slow” by Daniel Kahneman

Author: Alex Shillman.
Kinneret and Mater Publishing, 528 pages

This is the latest book by Nobel Prize-winning Israeli psychologist Daniel Kahneman, in which he summarizes with sensitivity and a watchful eye more than forty years of research on human nature.

Unlike many non-fiction books that simply review a chosen field of knowledge, here the author has set himself a defined goal that captivates in its beauty and simplicity, he aspires to enrich the “coffee corner conversations” of all of us, that is, to contribute a critical and rational perspective to our vocabulary and concepts, and to this end he embarks on a fascinating journey that unfolds the story of the two thinking systems working side by side in the brain, One is fast and intuitive and the other is slow and analytical, linking them to the biases of thought that he discovered in the 1970s together with his colleague Amos Tversky, z”l, for which he received the Nobel Prize in economics.

From the height of his experience and age, Kahneman provides us with a spectacular perspective on psychology’s current view of the thousands of decisions we make every day, and manages to produce a book that is readable and fascinating and at the same time lays an important layer in human thought. In the words of Nissim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan: “This book is a milestone in social science thinking, on the scale of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and Sigmund Freud’s The Interpretation of the Dream.”

The book is inspiring and full of examples from all walks of life, from daily grocery shopping to verdicts of judges who didn’t eat lunch, so anyone can connect to the discussion and leave with valuable insights.

Happy reading.



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