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Scholarships for students

Each year, scholarships totaling NIS 1.2 billion are distributed to students in the State of Israel, with more than 850 different scholarships currently available. We have compiled for you a number of answers to the most important questions that will help you in the scholarship search process.

These days open days are held in academic institutions. Many young people are interested in different study tracks, but they postpone thinking about how to finance their degree until the beginning of the next school year, and until then they may miss out on many scholarships. So here, too, as at any stage in life, you should plan ahead and not be surprised.

Who is eligible for the scholarship?

Each scholarship has prerequisites that define which students may apply for this scholarship at all. For the most part, students are sure that socioeconomic status determines who is eligible and who is not, but many times the conditions are completely different. For example: place of residence, grades, family origin, secular/ultra-Orthodox and more. If you have found a scholarship for which you meet the prerequisites, then you must move on to applying.

What types of scholarships are available?

Scholarships are divided into many categories, with 2 main categories: non-volunteer scholarships, andscholarships that include volunteering. For scholarships that include volunteering, you will be asked as a student to perform an activity in return for receiving the scholarship. The activity varies according to the scholarship itself, usually in the field of mentoring and guidance, volunteering with Holocaust survivors or enrichment workshops. If you win a scholarship that does not include volunteering, then the money from the scholarship will be transferred directly to your bank account.

When should you start looking for scholarships?

The academic year usually begins between October and November, but the search and application for these scholarships must be done well beforehand. How many before? Scholarships for the academic year open for submission about 8 months before the beginning of the year, already in March. The selection process for scholarships is very long because the scholarships themselves have many candidates. For example: applications from March to May, personal interviews from June to August, committees in September and winners’ publications in October. Therefore, it is very important to be patient and know in advance that the issue takes a long time and there is no reason to wait for an answer a week after applying.

What documents do I need to apply for scholarships?

For each scholarship, you will need to attach different documents, which vary from scholarship to scholarship. For scholarships based in their decision on the applicant’s socioeconomic status, you will often have to attach recent salary slips of the candidate and his parents, current accounts, and income from allowances/pensions, if any. For other scholarships, you will be asked to attach various documents such as resumes, grade averages, neighborhood rehabilitation certificate, non-working status from the National Insurance Institute and other documents.

How do you know which scholarships are right for you?

About 4 years ago, the Milgapo website was established in cooperation with the National Union of Students that brings together all the information for you in one place. The website has up-to-date information on over 850 different scholarships. By registering shortly, you can receive a personalized list of scholarships with all the information needed to apply. If you have difficulty with this process, you can sign up for one of the submission packages on the website, which will both locate suitable scholarships for you and automatically submit you to these scholarships, saving you a lot of bureaucracy.
To register and receive a personal list of scholarships, click here!

*For scholarship assistance/advice: 03-616-0641 or

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