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Legal terms

Who are we?

Paamonim’s website is an open and online database on family economics;

The purpose of the site is to provide you with general information on issues related to responsible financial conduct and to give you direction and ideas for action.

The content on the site includes articles, stories, tools and calculators, a Q&A database and guides. Some of the content was created by Paamonim and some by people outside the organization. The site offers tools and guides for self-work and offers advice and answers to questions in the field of family finance.

The site includes references, videos, calculators, forms, articles, guides and other content that were not produced in the Paamonim but were incorporated into the site in order to provide a broad response on a variety of topics.

The site caters to both men and women. If the masculine gender is used, it is used for convenience only.


The Website contains links to other websites intended solely for the convenience of users and allowing you to find content published on the Internet. The content is not published by Paamonim or on its behalf and it does not control or supervise them. The fact that the Paamonim website links to these contents does not imply consent to their content and does not constitute a guarantee of their reliability, up-to-dateness, legality, privacy and any other aspect involved in their operation.

Use at your own risk

The information is offered “as is”, and Paamonim assumes no responsibility for it or for its suitability to the users’ needs, features, capabilities, or limitations regarding use. On the site there is an option to cut the information according to the user’s profile, Paamonim is not responsible for the content offered to the profile being the appropriate, exhaustive and relevant content to the user.

The information is entered into the site gradually and is not necessarily complete and up-to-date, it may take a period of time before updates are added and defects are corrected, as well as there may be errors, contradictions or discrepancies, etc.

Please take all necessary steps to ensure that any information you receive from the Paamonim website is correct, verified and up to date. Paamonim is not responsible for any damage caused due to reliance on the information.

Paamonim shall not be liable for any damage, loss or loss arising from and/or related to financial decision-making following the use or inability to use the information on the Site, related publications, advice given by Paamonim consultants (face-to-face and/or online chat) or relying on any information or comment shared by users of the Website (surfers) in response to the content on the Site.

Use of cookies

The site reserves the option to use cookies for the purpose of improving the speed and efficiency of use of content by its users. Any user can choose not to enable them to be activated by disabling this option in the web browser he is browsing. However, it should be noted that disabling the option to receive “cookies” in the browser may result in parts of the site not working fully.

Paamonim uses Remarketing through Googlecookies and other tools to publish content and ads and to promote the organization and its activity on the Internet. Third-party providers, including Google, display Paamonim ads on sites across the Internet. The privacy policy regarding these cookies is published by Google.

Paamonim is not a source of legal, financial or other advice

“Paamonim” will not be liable for any damage caused to the user or to any third party as a direct or indirect result of the use of the site, including damage caused due to the use of software applications downloaded directly through the site or activated as a result of using the site, and the users alone will bear responsibility for the manner in which they use the information services.

The information on the Paamonim website is general information and is not binding. Individual rights are determined by law, regulations and court rulings. These change from time to time, and Paamonim does not guarantee that the information on the site is the most up-to-date. In addition, there are regulatory changes in various governmental and commercial entities and changes in monetary policy, which are reflected, inter alia, in changes in interest rate conditions in the economy. Paamonim does not guarantee that the information will remain up-to-date when such changes take place.

The use of the information appearing on the site does not constitute a substitute for receiving legal, financial, professional or other advice or treatment and reliance on what is stated therein is the sole responsibility of the user.

Paamonim offers a service that answers questions through the website (“Paamonim Answer”). The information and answers provided are general and partial only and are not intended to replace professional personal advice, based on the applicant’s full personal data. Paamonim does not recommend any organization or professional, and the name of a person or organization as providing information does not constitute a recommendation of them or evidence of their expertise.

Paamonim reserves the right to make any changes to the site, including the structure of the site, the services offered therein, their content, scope and availability, links and any other changes as it sees fit, in accordance with its sole decision and without any need to give prior notice thereof on the site.

Copyright and Right of Use

The information contained on the “Paamonim” website is provided freely and freely. With the concept of an open site as much as possible and the provision of broad freedom of use, the information and use thereof are provided under the terms of the Creative Commons License. Users may use the material in accordance with the License Deed Creative Commons Principles-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Israel, as updated from time to time.

This license allows reuse of the content, including its editing, provided that two conditions are met:

  1. Prohibited Commercial Use.
  2. Source credit: You are required to state that the source of the text is on the Paamonim website, clearly. In online advertising, a link should be added to the Paamonim website itself, at: See more information on Paamonim:Attribution.

However, there are certain content in the system that is available under a different license:


Images are available under a variety of licenses. Our goal is to use free images as much as possible, in order to allow others to use our information without restrictions. However, there are cases where we will use copyrighted images, when there is no better alternative. Also, the free licenses are varied and not necessarily compatible with each other. Paamonim was not responsible for infringing the copyright of images found on the site.

Content from other websites

The system has pages based on information from other sites such as: TV shows, videos, articles, tools, calculators, guides, forms, etc. that have a content license that is not identical to ours The User should review the privacy policy of each of these Third Party Services separately from these Terms of Use.

Paamonim will not bear any responsibility for any damage caused as a result of embedding content, videos, images from the Paamonim website. The user bears full and exclusive responsibility for any assimilation made by him, including copyright regulation and payment to the relevant copyright associations / performers in accordance with any law/

The User alone bears responsibility for the manner in which he makes use of the Services and/or the information published in these contents, as well as for any damage that may be caused as a result of such use.

Unless otherwise stated on this site, Paamonim has no control or right to the material found on these sites and Paamonim is not responsible for the content of the material of third party sites;

Website Design

The design of the site is protected by copyright and no part of it may be used without the permission of Paamonim.

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