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Tips for increasing income

15 tips to help you improve your income on the way to financial balance.

When we talk about economic balance, we think almost automatically of spending cuts. Why? Because you can always cut back more, because there are unnecessary expenses right under our noses and maybe even inside we have long felt that we are wasting too much money.

But the currency of economic balance has two sides: cutting spending on the one hand and increasing revenues on the other. Some increase income because the cut in expenses was not enough to achieve budget balance, while others decide to increase income so as not to harm the standard of living by making too many cuts. Either way, increasing revenue is definitely something to consider when building a balanced budget.

When one spouse is not working, the currency of increasing income is under the flashlight. But what can be done when both partners are working, and working hard? Here are some directions of thought with which you can increase income and perhaps even enjoy professional and personal satisfaction.

Increasing income in the workplace:

  • Explore the possibility of working overtime or raising wages.
  • Check the option for additional vacation days, travel refunds, and phone calls.
  • Check whether there is a component that you can add to your responsibilities and job in exchange for a salary increase?

Creating a new source of income:

  • Make a list of your abilities and skills so you can focus on the appropriate area of employment.
  • Get help from friends, acquaintances and family in search of another job.
  • Read the “wanted” sections on the Internet and in the print press – maybe a certain job will catch your eye.

Additional part-time work:

There are jobs that allow flexibility and do not harm existing work, for example:

Housework: ironing, folding laundry, washing dishes, cooking, baking (cakes, challot, malawah, jahnoun and more), shopping and small errands.

Computing: typing jobs, printing, filing and transcription, answering surveys, proofreading, translating documents.

Mailings: distribution of newspapers, distribution of flyers, distribution of mail, couriers.

Instruction / Early Childhood: Babysitting, Tzaharon, filling the place of kindergarten assistants, summer camp, creative / cooking class, story time, Torah class, guiding adults in the fields of Internet and computer use, providing private lessons, summer camp staff, birthday production.

Safeguarding: security, house security, dog keeping, travel escort.

Sales: sales promotion at home, setting up sales stalls (popsicles, soft drinks, homemade pastries, the four sexes).

Cleaning: stairwell wash, car wash, office/residential cleaning.

Handicrafts: sewing, knitting, beading repairs.

General: inventory counting in stores, exam supervision (matriculation, college, university), makeup and hairstyles for events, gardening work.


These are general ideas, and you can probably think of what suits you personally. You can consult with relatives and friends and maybe even collaborate with other people who will also be happy to increase their income.

Do you have other ideas for increasing income? We’d love to hear back.



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