Volunteering at paamonim

Volunteering at paamonim

Volunteers for Social Change

Paamonim is an organization based on its volunteers. We believe in mutual responsibility and its contribution to improving the company’s resilience and its ability to withstand present and future challenges

Who are Paamonim volunteers?

Good people in the middle of the road.

Women and people who want to contribute to society and promote families to financial independence. Volunteering usually comes from a sense of mission, mutual responsibility, and deep concern for others and Israeli society.
This is social action, done out of trust in people’s ability to change behavior patterns and behave economically in an informed manner.
They have the ability to lead and motivate action, patience, the ability to listen and contain, empathy, and sensitivity.

We at Paamonim invest heavily in the professional development of the organization’s volunteers to respond to their challenges and challenges.
The volunteers undergo training for each position and participate in professional seminars throughout the year on various topics while studying colleagues, consulting, and sharing.

Close to 3,000 volunteers from around the country act as family mentors, team leaders, guidance consultants, lecturers and facilitators, and professional consultants or provide administrative or other support where necessary.
They do so out of a sense of responsibility, with energy, and out of the belief that change can be made to improve the economic situation and resilience of families on their way to financial independence.
To all Paamonim volunteer jobs

How to volunteer

Choose where you would like to volunteer, provide your details and we will get back to you.

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