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Wedding – an event of a lifetime, do not have to pay for a lifetime

Does a more expensive event mean greater joy? How to do more alone and more in cooperation with friends and save costs.

Try to remember the wedding to which you were invited and which left an impression on you. Is what you remember an event that was precious or is it sometimes a moving greeting by the bride to her son-in-law, a romantic dance or a video prepared by friends that is the significant memory?

The wedding day, the biggest day in the lives of many couples, is also the day when the couple parted with a very large sum of money, for the first time in their married lives. In today’s economic reality, the debt accumulated by a couple as a result of organizing a wedding beyond the means, may accompany the couple for many years and constitute a heavy weight on their financial life together. Sometimes many years pass before they finish paying for a one-night wedding.

So after you have built a budget for the event, you have chosen thewedding dress, you have decided on a place and also the date ofthe event there are other actions that can be taken to save costs.

So how do you save on a wedding without damaging the atmosphere?

Do more things alone and more things together with your loved ones.

Doing Alone at a Wedding

Order no longer needed to print

Wedding invitation design – anyone can

On many sites you can design an order that will be as beautiful as any other studio and will cost nothing.

Shooting a short video incorporated into the event details is also an option that invitees would be nice to have. Shoot on mobile, everyone knows how to do great on their own, and in video editing apps on mobile phone you can edit and add effects and text, all with ease.

How do I send a wedding invitation and don’t pay for shipping?

Inviting guests to an event on WhatsApp is becoming more and more popular and it’s easy and simple and you don’t need to stamp or travel and deliver the invitation.

Wedding invitation on WhatsApp


And if you’re already sending an order on WhatsApp, why not ask for RSVP in a designated form? Such a form can easily be built in a free tool like GoogleDocs.

Confirmation of arrival at Simcha on Google Docs


Design your own wedding tables

The banquet halls offer basic table décor and each upgrade comes at an additional cost. You can design the table centers yourself and thus you can also give your personal touch and decorate creatively and save thousands of shekels. Don’t want to work towards your event? Who doesn’t have a friend or acquaintance who has the right hand in design and would be happy to do it for you. Specialized stores, second-hand websites and NIS container stores, ordering from overseas sites and buying stocks, all these will help you find what you need to design the event and cheaply.

Examples of table center self-design

Wedding table center design
Cinematography: Bila Domb

Ingredients: High candles, potted plant, wrapping the pot with crepe paper


Wedding table center design
Cinematography: Bila Domb

Ingredients: small flower arrangement, candles

Wedding table center design
Cinematography: Bila Domb

Ingredients: large cup, inflatable paint flakes, round candle


Design of the guest reception area

Each of the large flower arrangements costs hundreds of shekels. Many times the reception takes place in one area, the canopy in another and the seating around the tables, again in another area of the hall! Reduce the number of large flower arrangements and make sure they are moved from place to place.

A modest gift for guests

Many weddings give guests a souvenir of the event. A creative way to combine the design of the center of the table and the gift for the guests is to design the center of the table in small pots that the guests will take home at the end of the event.

Ingredients: medium herb pot, crepe paper for wrapping the pot, tape for tying

Wedding making with friends

It costs everyone a lot to get married, and the wedding gifts of friends and acquaintances cost thousands of shekels over the years. So why not make it easier for everyone?

Social food at your wedding

Atsocial weddings , guests are kindly requested to bring their own food. Many times the organization involves registering in a shared file to see that there will be enough of everything at the wedding. Reducing costs by preparing food alone is worthwhile for everyone, and each guest’s investment in the dish for the important event ensures that the food will also be just as delicious as the one served in the hall, sure to put more of the spice of love in it.

Save invitees on fuel costs

Organizing a joint trip to the wedding will save everyone expenses. In another shared file, you can build a simple table in which passengers register and where hitchhikers can register and share fuel expenses with the car owner.

Deciding on gifts together

Guys’ weddings come in a chain. You gave a check, you’ll get it back. In order not to feel the high expense in your bank account, those who get married in a similar time frame can decide on a modest fixed amount, and this is the amount that each couple will give to each couple getting married. You’ll feel less in your pocket and you can be more planned because you’ll know how much you’re going to get from your best friends.

Invitees ‘joyful’

A common custom can be adopted at weddings in the religious sector. At weddings where there are happy dishes, friends of the bride and groom and distant acquaintances are invited as joyful, and they do not bring gifts. The members come to rejoice in the joy of the couple and do not receive a portion of food from the hall but lighter refreshments. This option saves on the cost of the expensive dish, which in most cases is not covered by waiting and helps the invitees save their pockets. Such an offer can be made to the invitees to an event that you really want them to come and make you happy, but you know that the burden of waiting is very heavy on them.


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